
Under the circular economy model, is the green transformation of dty yarn leading a new trend in the textile industry?

Update: 2024-07-15

Today, as global environmental awareness is increasing, the textile industry, as one of the important areas of resource consumption and environmental pollution, is facing unprecedented challenges and opportunities. As the core raw material in the textile industry, the green transformation of dty yarn under the circular economy model is not only related to the sustainable development of the industry, but also a positive response to the global environmental protection responsibility.

The circular economy advocates the efficient and circular use of resources, aiming to achieve a win-win situation of economic development and environmental protection by reducing resource consumption, reducing waste generation, and increasing resource recycling rate. For the dty yarn industry, the circular economy is not only a concept, but also the only way for future development. As the global consensus on sustainable development goals deepens, the dty yarn industry must accelerate the pace of green transformation to adapt to changes in market demand and environmental protection requirements.

The green transformation of dty yarn is first reflected in the production link. Enterprises need to introduce advanced technology and equipment to optimize the production process, reduce raw material consumption and energy consumption, and reduce the emission of wastewater, waste gas and solid waste. For example, use low-energy and low-emission spinning equipment to improve production efficiency and product quality; implement clean production technology to reduce the use of organic solvents and the emission of volatile organic compounds; strengthen the construction of wastewater treatment and waste gas purification facilities to ensure that emissions meet standards.

The recycling and reuse of waste polyester is an important part of the circular economy of dty yarn. With the improvement of consumption levels and the acceleration of textile renewal, the number of waste textiles has increased dramatically. Through advanced recycling technology and equipment, the polyester fibers in these waste textiles can be separated, purified and recycled. Regenerated dty yarn not only maintains the basic properties of the original fiber, but also reduces production costs and energy consumption, and reduces environmental pollution. At the same time, the recycling and reuse of waste polyester also promotes the closed cycle of the textile industry chain and improves resource utilization efficiency.

Technological innovation is the key force to promote the green transformation of dty yarn. Enterprises need to increase R&D investment, break through key technical bottlenecks, and develop efficient, environmentally friendly, and low-cost recycling and reuse technologies and equipment. Conduct research on identification and separation technology of waste textile components to improve the purity and quality of recycled fibers; develop chemical regeneration polyester technology to achieve efficient and low-cost recycling of waste polyester; promote the use of raw and auxiliary materials and production processes with low (no) VOCs content to reduce the emission of harmful substances. In addition, enterprises should strengthen cooperation with universities and scientific research institutions to promote the deep integration of industry, academia and research, and provide strong technical support for the green transformation of dty yarn.

Although the road to green transformation of dty yarn is full of challenges, it also breeds unlimited opportunities. Under the guidance of the circular economy, the dty yarn industry is gradually moving towards a greener and more sustainable development track. Through efforts in green production, resource recycling, technological innovation and market guidance, the dty yarn industry will contribute to the realization of global sustainable development goals.