Breathable Brown Black 300D/96F DTY Yarn High-Intermingled 99.99% Polyester Yarn...
See DetailsA common feature found in knitting yarns produced today is the presence of a 'threaded rooster' design. In its simplest form, this consists of four parallel strands of yarn that are knotted and lie directly on the handle of the yarn needle. In many cases, the yarn does not pass through the needle at all. Instead, it is wrapped around a turning turban or handle and drawn through the needle via a rotating loop or other mechanism.
In knitted products, yarn strength or thread count is measured in terms of gauges or counts per square inch. In cases, when yarn strength is expressed in terms of counts per square inch, it refers to the tensile strength of the yarn in comparison with the tensile strength of the staple fiber used to produce the product. Counting of threads per inch is often used instead to express the level of thread count of a specific yarn, as thread counts per inch tend to vary depending upon the manufacturing process. Thread count can also be affected by the manufacturing process used in the manufacture of a certain type of fabric, such as cotton yarn. Additionally, the quality of the yarn can also affect the number of threads per inch; Dingkai higher quality yarns have greater numbers of threads per square inch.
If a knitter were interested in increasing the strength of their fabric, one option would be to increase the number of threads per inch through the use of larger needles. However, these large needles would reduce the strength of the yarn itself. Consequently, the thread count of the yarn would decrease as well. This is why commercial yarn twist products, which include knitters yarn, are constructed using smaller needles.
In some cases, the use of larger needles is preferable. In fact, many knitters prefer to work with knitted fiber yarns that are produced using twisted yarns. This is because the knitter does not risk the loss of strength in their yarn due to the twisting process. Interestingly enough, many of these knitted products often do not use the term twisted yarn. Instead, they are referred to as self twisted wool.
Of course, one of the primary differences between these two types of yarn is the amount of twisting that occurs. In a standard yarn, the individual threads of yarn are drawn tightly through a Machine. When this happens, the yarn starts off on a straight path. The end result is a durable, strong fabric.
On the other hand, when the individual threads of the yarn are twisted, this causes the yarn to become loosely wound. Due to the nature of air-jet spinning, these twisted threads are much stronger than the untwisted threads of a standard yarn. This is the reason that high thread count polyester is often used in applications where the strength of the fabric is a primary concern. Additionally, this is why compact yarn structures have become popular in applications where the strength of the material is important.
There are two different methods that yarn makers choose to accomplish their twisted yarn product. The way is called self-twist. In this method, the yarn is placed into a cylindrical mold. The cylindrical mold is then loaded with a rotating drum, which rotates and twirls the yarn around the inside of the mold, which creates the desired "twisted" look.
The second method is called conventional ring yarn. This process uses a ring made of a material that has been loaded onto a rotating drum and then spun. The rotation of the drum and the twisting motion of the ring cause the yarn to twirl, which is the same effect as using self-twist, but is done at a slower rate. This type of twisting is more difficult to control than self-twist, so it is typically reserved for exceptionally thick materials or when you need a sheen on a small number of items.