Breathable Brown Black 300D/96F DTY Yarn High-Intermingled 99.99% Polyester Yarn...
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High intermingle yarn is a type of yarn that exhibits intermingling. It is a type of filament yarn that is used for making jersey knitted fabrics. Depending on the air pressure, the density of intermingling increases. At 3 bar of air pressure, the density of mingling increases. However, the nip frequency decreases as the air pressure increases.
Intermingled filament yarns
High intermingle filament yarns are manufactured using a process known as mingling. This process creates sections of the filaments that are intermittently mingled and open. The result is a more durable yarn with hand and optical properties. This process is particularly suitable for yarns that will be subjected to repeated washing and drying.
The titer of the filament yarns is important in order to intermingle them properly. This can only be achieved by carefully aligning and maintaining the correct tension. A lower tension can be used to obtain a higher intermingling density. Experiments show that the nip density increases with increasing tension.
Intermingling of filaments is an important consideration when choosing airbag materials. Using high-intermingle filament yarns can improve the quality of the woven fabric. The filaments can be combined to produce a variety of fabric types and textures.
Melange appearance of dyed singe jersey knitted fabrics
A Melange appearance is achieved by combining the colours and textures of dyed singe jersey knitted fabrics. Whether you are looking to create a traditional or contemporary look, you can trust the design team at Le Melange to make your dream come true. If you are unsure where to start, the team at Le Melange is more than happy to help.
A melange pattern can be achieved with yarns that are partially and completely dyed. This method can save 50 percent of the water required for the process, reduce energy and emission levels, and create a distinctive two-tone look. This effect can be created using a variety of knit fabrics including brushed tricot.
There are many types of jersey knitted fabrics, including jersey, double jersey, and clocque jersey. The main differences are the type of yarn used, the fabric's face and back, and the dye formula used. The yarns are selected for their color-changing ability, air permeability, susceptibility to selected dye formulations, and surface tension.
Effects of air pressure on intermingling
Effects of air pressure on high-intermingle yarn are an important concern in the manufacture of textured fabrics. Excessive air pressure reduces the intermingling density and degrades the physical properties of textured yarns. In addition, air pressure causes the yarn to lose its elasticity, increasing its cost.
Among the process parameters that have an influence on melange appearance are yarn overfeed, air pressure, and production speed. These three parameters have a significant relationship to the melange appearance. A higher speed, for instance, can produce a striped fabric while a lower speed can result in a homogeneous fabric. The speed of intermingling process may also affect the appearance of intermingled fabric.
Air pressure exerts a strong effect on the number of tangles formed in high-intermingle yarn. In order for a tangle-free yarn to be produced, the air jet has to be perpendicular to the axis of the yarn. The perpendicular air jet creates turbulence, which forces the filaments to break up into smaller bundles. The resulting entangled yarn has tangle knots spaced at regular intervals. The air pressure and yarn tension determine the density of the knots. This results in an even distribution of knots.